Our journey began with our founder, Bobbi Vargas, a public speaker, celebrity makeup artist, and passionate advocate for wellness and beauty. After spending years helping others achieve their financial and beauty aspirations, she noticed a troubling pattern — people were reaching great heights of success, only to watch their achievements crumble due to health issues that could have been prevented with proper self-care and awareness.
She realized that the standard practices of self-care — working out, journaling, meditating — were no longer enough in our fast-paced world.
Bobbi sought to create something more impactful, more in tune with the modern individual's needs. Bodela was born as a haven for those looking to rebuild and strengthen their foundations of health, wellness, and self-love. Bobbi invested years in scientific research, painstakingly developing products centered around holistic wellness and tranquility.
Our product line reflects the realization of her vision — a collection of self-care products designed to be integrated seamlessly into your daily life, amplifying your self-love and wellness journey.