Q: my daughter has ms her legs are very bad sort the skin is braking and turning blue because of poor circulations , is the papain cream alba good to cure her leg skin?
Esthetician: I'm not familiar with papain cream alba. What I would do in your case is consulting with physician to find out the actual reason of her symtoms before trying on some products.

Q: I am a 53 year old fair skinned red head with very limited sun exposure. However, I do have freckles, along with drooping jaw and smile lines, and a little neck issue. How can I help these issues without surgery, or injectables?
Esthetician: Phytomer - HOMME Lift Performance Remodeling Contouring Concentrate is what I would suggest for you. Use it on your face and neck after you have washed your face every morning and night. It will help improve the skin texture but again, the result will not be as sugical procedure and it take a lot longer time.

Q: I purchased a Borghese brush set from Costco. They sent a letter saying that it may contain yeast and that I should return it. What does yeast do? I like the set and don't want to return it.
Esthetician: I don't know exactly the affects it can have on your skin from a makeup brush but I do know that yeast can cause infections in the body so if the brushes were recalled I would suggest you send them back.

Q: Dr Berger, my lips have lost it fullness,is there anything to use and do not use botox
Esthetician: I don’t believe there is a way to permanetley make your lips fuller but we have many lip glosses that can temporarily make your lips appear fuller. People tend to feel a tingle/burn sensation when using these but it does not last the entire time you wear it just initially.

Q: Hi, I want to know about the NeoStrata Gel Plus AHA 15 100ml. If I want to buy this product, do I have to go see doctor? thank you.
Esthetician: No you do not need to see a doctor before using this product.

Q: Como puedo hacer para que me nascan mas pestanas y tambien que crescan. "
Esthetician: Para más gruesas pestañas sugiero RevitaLash Volumizing Mascara

Q: I can't tell what my skin undertone is. I'm fair skin and I'm undecided if I would use a natural or beige pressed powder. They both look close to my skin color. How can I determine?
Esthetician: A trick used to figure out skin undertones is to take a small square of red, blue, yellow, and green construction paper and hold it up to your jawline, right where your neck meet your chin. Which ever color seems to match your skin the most will be your undertone.

Q: my hair is not thick and there is baldness in the centre of my head and on the side of my front i need help am so frustrated!
Esthetician: Hair by Revitalash is the product that you should use.

Q: Is Spectralrs for men only?
Esthetician: No it is for both men and women.

Q: is there an inhome machine that will help as well
Esthetician: No there is no in home machine. The only machine for this would be a laser that only doctors can use. We do, however, carry a few products to help you with this.

Q: hola,what will i do to remove my freckles,its in the mouth area in the upper part..thnx..
Esthetician: You should try Exuviance Lightening Complex.

Q: finally running out of bioelements sheer makeup - level 2 (totalley weightless which evens up & brightens skin tone)which I had bought many of when found they were discontinuing. What would be best alternative in the dermalogica line but not sure which of their categories would be best. Thank you for your input.
Esthetician: To even up and brighten skin tone, I would use the Chroma White line from Dermalogica. But if you are looking for makeup, I would suggest Dermalogica's Treatment Foundation.

Q: I have allergies, and i got used to my Boy friend using two different pre and after shave gells, one being (Old Spice sooting gel) which they no longer make, could u tell me do they make a electric pre and after shave for men that's unsented?
Esthetician: The Art of Shaving has bot a pre and post shave unscented oil.

Q: Hi My hair wont grow I Got my split ends Cut but my hair still wont grow What should I do ?
And My Mother's hair keeps falling out what should she use?
Esthetician: You both should use DS Laboratories shampoo and conditioner.

Q: What do you think of Bobbi brown makeup? I have combination skin and de tend to break out with certain makeup. Or which makeup brand do you suggest is best? I do want it to last during the hot humid summer down here. Thank you for your time.
Esthetician: Bobbi Brown is absolutley a great brand of makeup but we also have some great brands that will also work with your skin and any makeup will stay on all day during humid days if you are using a good primer. Most makeup brand already have a primer but if not you can use any primer with different makeup brands.

Q: Is there a guarantee on the Dark Spot
Remover? I have tried many different products, and none work!
Esthetician: There is no money back guarantee or any guarantee for that matter but I promise you that all the products we carry are top of the line and the only reason we cant guarantee any of our products is because everyones skin is different and what may work for one person may not work for another.

Q: can we fund the zit stick in a locat phramace?
Esthetician: None of the products we carry can be found in local pharamacies or drug stores. We carry top of the line brands that cant be sold in certain places.

Q: is there any slimming products in the market which really change the life?
Esthetician: I don’t think we have any "life changing" slimming products but we have many that will help a lot. We have FatGirlSlim by Bliss and we have Priori's Body Shaping complex and Priori's Slimming body complex along with many others for you to choose from.

Q: what kind of cosmetics can i wear that will not cause my ane to flare up? THanks
Esthetician: Relastin has makup products made for each different skin type. This may help you with the acne flare up.

Q: Is there anything to eleviate the dryness of my scalp from the available shampoos ?
Esthetician: You can try BORGHESE - Ristorativo Di Vita Conditioning Treatment for Hair and Scalp.

Q: I wanted to ask if the vials for hair loss really work.
There is a lot of products out there and not sure which one to trust...???
Thanks in advance :)
Esthetician: Yes the hair loss products we carry really do work.

Q: Hi, i am suffering from razor bumps and i wanted to purchase the razor bump relief and the After Shave Balm, but all their instructions say they are to be used immediately after shaving, so in what order am i supposed to use them, and will using the two at once affect my skin?
Esthetician: I would use the razor burn relife first and then the after shave balm. Use the razor burn relief only on effected areas and then use the balm on the entire shaved area.

Q: any time i wear mascara, i find that within hours of having it on,it triggers my asthma. eyeliner and eyeshadow seem to have similar effects. what can i do? i feel incomplete without eyemakeup on, so having to stop using it completely has been a challenge. is there a specific doctor i need to go too? help!
Esthetician: I would go to your regular physcian and explain to him your problem so he can help you with that because I see no reason why make-up would trigger your asthma but he might.

Q: i need solucion about this problem
Esthetician: We have all kinds of soaps and perfumes but if it’s an odor problem you cant control you need to go see your doctor.

Q: hi, i have a question about the priori products... i am considering purchasing a priori product and have never used it. what should i start out with;would one product produce results, or the whole line. i don't want to make a big investment. any advice would be apprecitated. thank you
Esthetician: Well it all depends on your skin type but my personal favorite is their CoffeeBerry Natureceuticals line. It contains coffe berry which is a new and amazing antioxidant.

Q: hello sir
i live in malasiya,my skin has freckle and dark. do I have a AHA cream for whitening? if ok, what brand I use? thank you
Esthetician: Phytomer Whiteclat2 Whitening Spot Corrector Serum is the best product for you.

Q: I'm 58 and I am looking for a concealer for under my eyes.I have oily skin.I don't want anything that accentuates my lines.Any recommendations?
Esthetician: I suggest Jane Iredale Active Light Under Eye Concealer.

Q: I am rather confused on what to purchase? All 5 or how do I know which color works for my skin? I have very sensitive, extremely dry skin very light. Please advise?
Thank you kindly
Mary Musso
Esthetician: Im not sure what brand you are talking about but no you would only get the number that corresponds with the color that you want and on our website there should be a chart for you to look at when you click on the product that will show what number goes with what color.

Q: With more of us becoming health and chemical conscious. I would like to know if your products are Paraben Free. Thank you
Esthetician: Some are and some aren't and if you read the description of a product it would mention if it was paraben free.

Q: Dear Sir,
I am truly bothered by my eyelids - they are very dry, and now in the wintertime in cold Norway, my situation is unbearable. I would really like to buy an eyecream (for the record, I´m most fond of Babor), but my problem is that they are all reducing fine lines and wrinkles - I´m only 22 years old, and I think it´s way to early to worry about wrinkles. In fact, I am against it - I want to grow old with "dignity". Anyhow, do you think you can help me to find a great moisturizing eyecream? I also have dark circles under my eyes. As said, I would like the eyecream to be from Babor (if it is possible).
Forgive me my poor English.
Thank you in advance!
Best regards,
Esthetician: BABOR Sensational Eye Cream would work for both of you problems.

Q: Dear Dr Berger,
I have few milia's under my left eyes. I have been advised that since they are too close to my eyes doctors will not touch them.
I would like to hear your opinions about how i can get rid of them. I think they came due to the fact that i have used too thick a cream under my eye areas for years.
Do you have any suggestions to how i can get rid of them with any cream? or operations?
I prefer to use a cream...
Thank you.
Esthetician: The only thing I can suggest for milia would be for you to lightly exfoliate using a product like dermalogica's daily microfoliant but you cant get any in your eye so if it is too close then I would not use it.

Q: Good day sir!
I was wondering if their is any creme on the market available which will remove little birthmarks in the face. I've got their al lot and they are very dark. Their are creme's like dark spot correctors but il quess the are yust for (don't know the word) elderly spots? Or is their any product that will give a good cover up? Ill hope you'll understand my question.
Looking forward to your repley,
Greetings Laura
Esthetician: Well you cant get rid of birthmarks but if you were looking to cover them up then I can suggest any of our makeup concealers from lines like paula dorf, jane iredale, or dermablend.

Q: I'm allergic to various nuts and seeds. If I can't eat these things, is it safe for me to put products containing nut oils on my skin? I'm thinking of sunflower, sesame, almond/sweet almond, etc. Incidentally, I have eczema on my hands, arms and scalp. --Thanks.
Esthetician: No, if you are allergic to seeds and nuts I would not use any products containing nuts or seeds.

Q: I have sensitive skin and especially my eye lids. I am allergic to Titaniam Oxcide and most eye shadow has this ingredient in it.
What would be the best eye shadow for me.
Thank you.
Esthetician: I'm not sure of which eyeshadow because we have so many but when you are looking through the eyeshadows on our website look at the bottem of the description and the ingredients should be there.

Q: I am 43, had a Pearl 2 1/2 years ago and loved the results. (Prior I had the IPL package to no avail.) Now it is time to do something again, and want to compare Fraxel 2 vs. Pearl. I have brown spots starting to reappear, and under my eyes looks like crepe paper, and fine thin lines are developing on the upper side of my lip, and the lip in that area is thinning a little. I don't smoke, rarely use straws, don't whistle, and don't know why this is happening! I wear both a physical and chemical sunscreen daily. I want to just firm it all up and make the brown spots go away again. I've been told that perhaps a cycle of Pearl-Fraxel-Pearl might provide lifelong results, that preventing is much better than fixing. What is the real truth? PS. My mom and grandma looked young for their age, as do I (in makeup) but aged rapidly one they hit 50. So I really need to get a handle on this.
Esthetician: We don’t carry either of those products so I'm really not familiar with them. I can, however, suggest a line we carry called Neocutis. This product helps with both fine lines and dark spots.

Q: I have a wound aprx 4" wide and 8" long on my back from a muscle excision and staph infection. The skin looks similar to a burn victims. There is a tiny area were the skin broke open and won't stop weeping, and getting an infection in it. Is there a cream I can use to moisturize this area. It's also had radiation to it, this whole mess started from an aggressive tumor.
Esthetician: If the wound is opening you need to see a doctor right away.

Q: which product will make the most visible diffrerence and your opinion of years that are taken off using it. i am italian and 61 years old i have had type i diabetes for 5 years the medicine and combination of the diabetes caused my teeth to turn black and had to have all removed, wear dentures now, but it seems my top lip is really thin now. is there also a good product for plumping lights? thank stephanie
Esthetician: For your fine lines you should try Neocutis or any of the anti-aging products we have on our website. There is no product that permanantly plumps your lips but there are lip glosses that temporarily plum your lips.

Q: i had used the gio deoreant spray for man and i made me a rash under the armes what should i do
thanks docter
Esthetician: For one you should stop using that product and go to your local pharmacy and find a cream for your rash. If it still bothers you after that then I suggest you have it looked at by a doctor.

Q: doctor, i am not a dentist but what i realise people in my country, i am from DRC congo,they have many dental problems so that`s why i need to know what to do if i bring them the products? i need training or not?
Esthetician: I'm not sure what products you plan on using from our site because we only carry supersmile and that only whitens teeth. I am not a dentist so I cant give you advice on this topic but I do advise that you do not perform any treatments without professional trainning.

Q: i am 35 and i have lot of hair fall and damage and now getting baldness pls suggest what to do..
Esthetician: Try DS Laboratories - Spectral.DNC Hair Loss Treatment

Q: As I have aged (I'm 62), I've noticed that I bruise much more easily if I bump into something than I did when I was younger. What would you recommend to (1) prevent bruising (is there a nutritional supplement I can take?) and (2) cover up bruising (is Dermablend any good?). Thanks!
Esthetician: I would not know which supplements you can take for that as I am not a nutritionist but dermablend is a very good product to cover brusies.

Q: I have been using Phyto-C Ace Serum and Velvet Gel. Do you carry these products?
Esthetician: No we do not

Q: Hi,i am 24 yr old from India.My mum is very white.When i ws born even i was milky white bt during my teenage my skin started geting dark and i developd strech marks over my breasts,waist and thighs.My scalp hair are also very thin.Plz help
Esthetician: For stretch marks you can try one of the products from Mama Mio.As for your thin hair, you can go to our conditions and concerns section on our website and look under hair loss and check out all the different products that can help you.

Q: is the mineral powder okay for wrinkles around the eye or does it make it cake in the wrinkles
Esthetician: Well I can't completely answer your question without seeing your skin but I can tell you it is a possibility. However, if you use it lightly over your face with a soft brush, I'm sure you wont have a problem.

Q: I would like to know the possibility of having a consultation.
Esthetician: We can't do medical consultations but if you live in New Jersey near our store in Nutley you can come in and talk to our esthetician and she can analyze your skin and suggest products for you. If you can't make it hear you can call in and ask what they suggest for your skin type.

Q: I really want my eyebrow hair to regrow. So what is a good solution for me to use? I don't want permanent make-up I really want hair. Please help me I'm tired of drawing my eyebrows on.
Dr. Berger: Dear Virginia,
once it’s gone, it’s gone. That’s why we are so very, very careful not to shave eyebrow hair or accidentally laser it off! Wish I had better news.
Dr. B

Q: Dear Dr Berger,
First, thank you for allowing all these people to consult and speak with you via mail connection.
I have a question about my hair which is dry and curly. When it is wet it is beautiful, but once it dries it is not as beautiful as it is wet and it is damaged. I do not know which cream or oil is good for it in order to keep the wet style. Would you please help me.
Thank you, in advance.
Dr. Berger: Dear Azita,
I once knew a girl who had a very similar problem and solved it in an interesting way.
She switched to baby shampoo for the gentle cleansing and, one night a week, rubbed olive oil into her hair, wrapped it in a towel and went to sleep. In the morning she washed it and it looked fabulous!
I’d give it a try. Let me know the results.

Q: I have what started off looking like a mosquito bite, then progressed into a very painful five inch by two inch welt and eventually (about 1.5 months later) diminishing to a quarter size bruise looking scar on my legs, buttocks and back. Not only is this very painful but not so pleasant to look at and being a vain person I'm curious as to what this is and how to treat it. Perhaps some native bug (I live in Las Vegas, NV) or some allergic reaction? Doctors are uncertain so any suggestions are welcome. I hate to admit this however, I am very vain and at this point very embarrassed to even wear a bathing suit.
Thank you in advance for your help
Dr. Berger: First question: Have you been in the country, where there are deer? Thought about Lyme’s? It sounds like you should have been tested for that about a month ago. Has any lab work been done? What were the results?

Q: What is your opinion of Dr. Perricone's LIGHT Renewal product. Does it work?
Dr. Berger: I get asked this all the time. I’m a big fan of Perricone Products, except that they’re seriously overpriced... but the Light Renewal system is questionable, at best. The strength of clinical LED lights and the precautions and restrictions involved make a home system essentially toothless in my opinion. Find an MD with an OmniLux system and get REAL treatments that are specific for your skin problems.

Q: I am a attractive 39 yr old woman , I was burned very severely 30 yrs ago… 87% of my body is scarred.
This has affected my life for years. How would you recommend that I use scarguard if I want to reduce my scars, hopefully even get to were they are hardly noticeable.
Dr. Berger: Dear Tabbie,
Scarguard is a decent product for mild scarring, but the scars you describe are probably severe and deep. Please don't develop false hopes for this product. Use it as directed, but don't expect miracles.
I wish I had better news, but I haven't seen the scars so it's difficult to answer. Consult a plastic surgeon SPECIALIZING in burn reconstruction at a burn center. The science has come a long, long way in 30 years!

Q: Dear Dr. Berger,
I have RSD and my feet and legs hurt! I was wondering if you sell anything that might HELP! I have a Aunt age 83 and has trouble with her legs! I would appreciate if can tell me anything, your products! THANK YOU AND MAY GOD BLESS!
Dr. Berger: As you certainly already know, RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) believed to be the result of dysfunction in the central or peripheral nervous systems. Other theories suggest that RSD follows an injury and is caused by triggering an immune response. In either case,
Treatment may include: Physical therapy and exercise, Psychotherapy to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression, Spinal cord stimulation and,
Medications including: Topical analgesics, Anti-seizure drugs, Antidepressants (Pain CAN make one very depressed), Corticosteroids and even Opioids for severe pain.
Ask your internist to recommend a well thought of pain specialist. Start with combinations of topicals such as BLT or EMLA, and work from there.
All the best.
Eric Berger MD

Q: I'm interested in the titan skin tightening system. Can it be used on your upper eye lids? I have hooded lids and I like the way I look, but to avoid surgery, I was wondering if this is an option… also for my whole face. Could injectibles be used to fill out the upper lids? Thanks for your time. Joan Warriner
Dr. Berger: Great question! Thanks, Sonya.
TT is a eubacterium. That means it's a bacteria, not a mold, and that it has thick, rigid cell walls (rather than flexible) and a flagella (tail) so it can move. There's a lot of research going on about TT… it was isolated in a deep, hot water ocean vent off Japan, and prefers to live in VERY hot (65ºC, 150ºF) environments. It also can exist in hot water heaters. To the best of my knowledge, and all the scientific data I could find, it currently has no human application except to separate you from your money.

Q: Hello, I have little bumps that look like fat right under both of my eyelids and now a few are appearing above one eye, as well. I have seen a dermatologist who said I should see ophthalmologist to get surgically removed, but that it wasn't anything to worry about. I live on the canary islands and have little faith in the surgeons… isn't there another treatment you can recommend to get rid of them. Thank you, Sacha
Dr. Berger: Dear Sacha, your dermatologist is a good man.
Some things are just plain surgical, and this is one of them. The surgery is relatively simple and routine... don't look for cures that will disappoint. Go to the ophthalmologist, as recommended.

Q: Does Scar Guard scar reduction cream have any negative result on the skin on the long run for the 4 month baby and the scar area is over lips.
Dr. Berger: I do not... REPEAT: DO NOT... recommend using any adult product on an infant with out Pediatric supervision!
Babies skin is totally different than ours. Beware.

Q: I would like to know the possibility of having a consultation.
Dr. Berger: Dear Heather,
Feel free to call the office… 212-838-6900. Tell my office manager you contacted me through Beauty Bridge.

Q: Hello, I am having trouble with extremely dry skin. I have been told that it is dehydrated.
I am using the Murad line but it does not seem to resolve the dryness. I am on Retin-A 3 x per week and wear Zolbar 38 sunscreen daily before my makeup. I am scheduled to have IPL in a week for redness (mild rosacia and broken capillaries).
What if anything can be done for extremely dry skin and also, I noticed that you advised against IPL in your Q&A to a woman who had dry skin.
Should I cancel IPL even though an aesthetician told me that it would make my redness and skin tone and texture much better? She is aware of the dryness and told me that she would review my skincare with me. Thank you so much for your time!
Dr. Berger: Dear Beth… STOP!
Retin-A can, in and of itself, dry and irritate the skin and should always be discontinued a few weeks before laser treatment of any type… especially IPL.
Your Aesthetician may be a good facialist, but I must question her judgment in this case.
And IPL will NOT treat rosacea.
I recommend arranging a consultation with a physician cosmetic skincare specialist before proceeding.

Q: I have rosacea (redness only) with extremely sensitive skin. It gets itchy very easily. Can you please recommend a cleanser and moisturizer? I went to 8 dermatologists in my area and I am disgusted. None offered skin care and said medication does not help redness. Thank you. Vivian
Dr. Berger: Dear Rhonda,
The treatment of choice is 4 sessions of IPL pulsed light or, in advanced cases (like you seem to describe) PDT with Levulin™. That will certainly do the trick.

Q: Have you ever heard of, and can therefore advise on, the skin condition 'ichthyosis'?
Dr. Berger: Ichthyosis is a relatively rare genetic skin disorder. Literally, it means fish skin, since it is characterized by scaly, dry skin. Since it's a genetic mutation, it isn't contagious, there is usually a family history of the disease, which helps your physician diagnose the disorder.
Most types of ichthyosis are present at birth, and are life-long. There are about 25 different types of some so mild that over-the-counter moisturizers control the problem, some so severe that they scaling can be very painful; even restrict the body's range of movement, cause deep cracks or fissures at the joints, etc.
Normal skin sheds (exfoliates) in small flakes, constantly, and the process goes unnoticed. In Icthyosis, however, the shedding flakes are more firmly attached and larger due to clumping.
Treating this disorder is very labor intensive. To force the skin to shed faster and appear more normal, frequent bathing with an exfoliant sponge (like a loofah) and applying moisturizers and emollients several times a day is required.
I hope this answer was useful. There really is no cure only treatment.

Q: Dr Berger, Hello! I have a question, I have discoid(mild systemic) lupus. I am under the care of great doctors and my health is getting better. But Since I have been ill I noticed my face has blackheads that constantly pop up and scar immediatly. I take great care of my skin avoid the sun wear spf 50. I am simply at a loss of know how to treat it. Just a year ago I had flawless skin, and it among other things is totally devastating. I was hoping you could send me some advice. Thank you, I would deeply appreciate yourr opinoin. Thank you with all my heart. Meredith
Dr. Berger: Dear Meredith,
I am delighted that your health is improving, and would like to add that about 50% of Discoid Lupus cases go into complete remission. Those are really very good odds for any auto-immune disease.
Unfortunately, acne-form lesions are occasionally the FIRST symptom of the disease, and the treatment is often disappointing.
What modalities has your physician tried? Have you tried antibiotics... laser treatments... possibly, Laser Genesis? Deep facial exfoliations with glycolic peels?
There is practically no literature regarding treatment, specifically, of these lesions... any attempt would be classified as an experiment, but the problem is emotionally devastating.
That being said, if you are in the NYC area I'd be pleased to see you and discuss the problem in person and see if I can be of any help.
All the best,
Eric Berger MD

Q: Dear Dr. Berger,
I was born with thick and severely wrinkled hands and feet, is there any cosmetic procedure that can tackle this problem? Also, my 3 month oold daughter seem to have the same case. Perhaps there is any baby lotion you can advise. Thanks
Dr. Berger: Dear Xen,
I'm not certain I understand the question.
Is your skin still dry and thick, and are you under the care of an MD, or was it a transient problem of infancy?
Any good baby moisturizing lotion should do the trick... and remember, while adults "shed" a layer of skin every 30-60 days, your baby is renewing her skin every 10 days!
Talk to your pediatrician, but moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!
Eric Berger MD

Q: I am developing bumps under my skin,especially my forehead that look like small speaks of fat. It's embarassing. What do you think causes this and what can I do?
Dr. Berger: Dear Dawn,
Though your description was pretty good for a non-dermatologist, there are any number of problems which present in this way.
Among them are melia, seborrheic hyperplasia and even pre-cancerous actinic keratotic lesions.
I highly recommend that you make an appointment with a dermatologist in your area for a more accurate disgnosis and treatment.
Not a spa... a physician.
Best regards,
Eric Berger MD
Medical Director

Q: How can I get rid of melia on my face?
Dr. Berger: Dear Mickey,
Melia are actually trapped beneath the outermost layer of dead, keratinized skin.
The best solution is simply to exfoliate regularly. There are several different types of exfoliation, but generally mechanical exfoliations such as Vibraderm, which gently vibrates away dead cells and refreshes the skin, or chemical peels (Glycolic acid, for example) will do the trick.
Find a qualified aesthetician near you and treat yourself to a Vibraderm or peel once a month.
Your melia will be gone and your skin will look wonderful. Sincerely,
Eric Berger MD

Q: I have very thin skin on my nose, and when it`s cold outside it gets very cold and red. i really light up like Rudolph the raindeer...
It is impossible to cover it up. Do you know if IPL can fix this problem?
Dr. Berger: Dear Nelly (Deer Nelly?),
The thin skin is being extra protected by circulation and that's why you get the Rudolph-nose.
Don't IPL... IPL is for hyper-pigmentation, not transient, temperature related changes.
The best thing to do is keep your nose warm... a ski mask, for example, and HIGHLY protected with Chapstick/Vaseline-like substances to prevent chapping and cracking.
I've never been to Norway, and this would be an excellent excuse, so if you need me to make a housecall...
Best regards,
Eric Berger MD