
Wellness Origin - Digestive Bitters Focus | Organic Herbal Supplement for a Strong Digestive System, 100 capsules


    Digestive bitters are herbal preparations known for theirpotential benefits in supporting digestion. Here are some of the potentialhealth benefits: 

      StimulateDigestive Processes:

    • IncreasedStomach Acid Production: Bitters can trigger the release of digestive juices,including stomach acid, which is crucial for breaking down food and absorbingnutrients.  
    • Improved Bile Flow: They may stimulate the liver to producemore bile, which aids in the digestion of fats. 
    • Enhanced Enzyme Activity: Bitters can potentially increasethe activity of digestive enzymes, further facilitating the breakdown offood. 


    Relieve Digestive Issues:

    •   Reduce Bloatingand Gas: By improving digestion, bitters may help alleviate symptoms likebloating, gas, and indigestion.  
    •  Soothe Indigestion: They can potentially provide relief fromheartburn, cramping, and other forms of indigestion. 

     Other Potential Benefits:

    •  AppetiteRegulation: Some research suggests that bitters may help regulate appetite andreduce cravings, potentially aiding in weight management.  
    •  Liver Support: Certain herbs found in bitters may supportliver function and detoxification.                                      Disclaimer: This information is for general knowledge and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Consult with a healthcare professional for any health concerns or before using any new supplements.

      Net Weight: 0.156 LB

      Milk Thistle Seed* (Silybum Marianum), Dandelion Root* (Taraxacum Officinalis), Oregon Grape Root** (Mahonia Aquifolium), Wormwood Leaf** (Artemesia Absinthium), Ginger Rhizome* (Zingiber Officinale), Fennel Seed* (Foeniculum Vulgare), Gentian Root** (Gentiana Lutea), Garlic Bulb* (Allium Sativum), And Chaparral Herb** (Larrea Tridentata).

      2-3 capsules, 2-3 times per day between meals, or as directed by your health care professional.

      Product Type: SupplementsSupplements
    • +AT A GLANCE

    • +HOW TO USE