
CellByCell - Florida Bee Saw Palmetto Honey


    Our Natural Honey is harvested in the State of Florida and is a delightful blend ensuring that customers receive the beneficial Bee Pollen & Enzymes from the entire year to bolster the immune system against allergies

    Product Features:

    • 100% Florida Saw Palmetto Honey - Florida's Bees are renowned for their exceptional quality making the Florida Bee Honey a perfect companion in your life
    • What is Saw Palmetto? - It is a small palm plant that produces berry fruits that have been used for medical purposes for centuries. Today, Saw Palmetto is traditionally used in Western Herbal Medicine and Dietary Supplements, and supports a variety of health benefits
    • Natural Saw Palmetto - Our Florida Honey offers remarkable anti-inflammatory properties and a rich source of antioxidants that contribute to a radiant and health skin complexion 

    Net Weight: 0.3oz per stick / 6oz per box (20 Sticks in 1 box)

    100% Saw Palmetto Honey